The Aixro XR50 is a remarkable kart engine. It uses Wankel rotary engine technology to produce at least 48hp, and is quick enough to compete with 125 shifter karts.
The beauty of the engine is that its as easy to drive as any regular non gearbox kart, and delivers torque all the way through its rev range. It provides a phenominal karting experience unlike anything I've ever tried.....it's just like being 10 years old and driving a 100cc kart for the first time!!
These days a typical high performance kart, a Rotax or Biland for example provides great grip and high corner speed, but tends to run out of puff at the end of the straight. But the Aixro continues to accelerate at the end of the straights, making your brain meltdown and panicking you into braking early! And for a 4 stroke kart, the sound it makes is awesome, much more satisfying for us 2 stoke kart addicts than you would expect. Anyway, if you get a chance to drive one please take it, but be prepared to lose interest in any other karts!
Check out video footage of me driving the
Aixro rotarty kart at the Lydd circuit for karting 1